Understanding Linear Blended Skinning in 3D Animation

Linear Blended Skinning (LBS) is a popular technique used in computer graphics and animation to deform 3D character models. If you’ve ever wondered how characters in video games or animated movies move so smoothly, LBS is often the logic behind it. Let’s break down this concept in simple terms. What is Linear Blended Skinning?

Linear Blend Skinning is a popular method used in computer graphics to deform 3D character models. It’s the technique that allows 3D characters to move and bend naturally, simulating the way skin moves over bones and muscles in real life.

How Does It Work?

To understand LBS, let’s break it down into simple steps:

  1. The Skeleton and Skin:
    • We start with a 3D model (the “skin” or “mesh”) and a skeleton (a set of “bones”) inside it.
    • Think of this like your own body - you have skin on the outside and bones on the inside.
  2. Binding:
    • Each point (vertex) on the skin is associated with one or more bones.
    • This process is called “binding” or “skinning”.
    • It’s like deciding which parts of your skin are connected to which bones.
  3. Weight Assignment:
    • Each vertex is given a set of weights for each bone it’s associated with.
    • These weights determine how much influence each bone has on the vertex’s movement.
    • For example, a point on your elbow might be 50% influenced by your upper arm bone and 50% by your forearm bone.
  4. Animation:
    • When the skeleton moves, LBS calculates the new position of each vertex.
    • This calculation is based on the movement of the bones and the weights assigned to the vertex.

The Math Behind It

Here’s a simplified version of how LBS works:

Let’s say we have a vertex \(v\) in its original position. After animation, its new position \(v'\) is calculated as:

\[v' = \sum_{i=1}^n w_i M_i v\]


  • \(n\) is the number of bones influencing the vertex
  • \(w_i\) is the weight of the \(i\)-th bone
  • \(M_i\) is the transformation matrix of the \(i\)-th bone
  • The sum of all weights \(w_i\) should equal 1
  1. Efficiency: It’s computationally fast, making it great for real-time applications like video games.
  2. Simplicity: The concept is relatively easy to understand and implement.
  3. Wide Support: Most 3D software and game engines support LBS.

Limitations of LBS

While LBS is widely used, it’s not perfect:

  1. Volume Loss: LBS can sometimes cause unnatural deformations, especially in areas like joints.
  2. Candy-Wrapper Effect: Twisting motions can cause unrealistic pinching, like a candy wrapper being twisted.

Beyond LBS

To address these limitations, more advanced techniques have been developed, such as:

  • Dual Quaternion Skinning
  • Delta Mush

These methods often build upon the foundation of LBS to provide more realistic deformations.

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